It's been long since I've posted a news post... I almost forgot how to do it (no seriously, I did). I've finally been working on that animation again. It's summer break, I'm too stubborn to get a job and have been working on it for a few weeks now. Process is slow, extremely slow, because I'm trying to improve my animation skill as much as possible during this production (actually I'm just really slow and get distracted too easily).
The reason why I've decided to spend my break on this animation is because the teacher's council at my school decided it would be funny to notify us that our 'solo-project' (an video/animation project which you create on your own, from concept to product) should be finished if we want to be able to start our 'exam'. I wanted to take my 'exam' as soon as possible to get away from that wretched school, but now I'm stuck with this 'solo-project'.
Not that I mind tho. I wanted to make this animation for a long time, but haven't had the time to do it. Now I have all the time in the world! Anyway, the animation's for 1/5th complete now. I hope it will get some attention, or maybe a award... Ah well, we'll see how it'll go.
Here's a screenshot, if you were interested: